Tag: noorderlicht

What to expect onboard a sailing adventure in Svalbard

Noorderlicht tall ship sailing with floating ice Svalbard summer

A sailing adventure in Svalbard is like nowhere else on Earth—home to towering glaciers, deserted fjords, and some of the rarest wildlife in the Arctic. VentureSail’s Operations Manager, Naomi, and Customer Service Manager, Adrienne, recently joined our tall ship Noorderlicht for a walking and sailing adventure in this extraordinary region. Read on for Naomi’s firsthand account of the magic that awaits you on a sailing adventure in Svalbard.

Arriving in the Arctic Wilderness

The sheer scale of Svalbard is breathtaking—the jagged mountain ranges stretch endlessly across the horizon, while towering glaciers glisten in the midnight sun. Our arrival was a humbling reminder of the Arctic’s remoteness. After an overnight stop in Oslo, we finally touched down in Longyearbyen, the world’s northernmost settlement, where Noorderlicht awaited us.

Once on board, there was little time wasted before setting sail toward the fjords. We left the dock with anticipation brewing among our small group of travellers, knowing we were embarking on a journey that few are fortunate enough to experience.

Life Onboard and Group Dynamics

Living with 15 strangers in close quarters may sound daunting, but life onboard a sailing adventure in Svalbard quickly becomes harmonious. Mealtimes were a highlight, bringing everyone together in the cosy saloon, which features split tables across two levels. This arrangement works well — by rotating seats at meals, conversations remain fresh, and it doesn’t take long for laughter and camaraderie to flow freely. There’s a special kind of unity that forms on board, as everyone pitches in, whether it’s helping to lay the tables, keeping the coffee pot full, or assisting with life jackets and the tender.

The beauty of this journey lies not only in the dramatic scenery but also in the quiet moments shared with new friends. Silent beach walks, approaching a group of walruses with knowing nods and whispered words, or the gentle exchange of smiles as we navigate the Arctic landscape together—these are the moments that bond you deeply to your fellow travellers.

Exploring Svalbard’s Breathtaking Landscapes

Day after day, Svalbard’s untamed beauty unfolded before us. From witnessing glaciers calving in thunderous bursts to observing elusive wildlife like Arctic terns, puffins, and seals, every moment was truly unlike anywhere else on Earth. We sailed past some of the most awe-inspiring glaciers, like Lilliehookbreen, with its towering ice cliffs reflecting off the glassy fjords. A hike ashore offered a chance to witness these frozen behemoths up close, standing in awe as chunks of ice crashed into the water —a stark reminder of both nature’s power and the effects of climate change.

Wildlife Encounters: Polar Bears and More

The captain and a guide usually took turns on deck, constantly scanning the horizon for signs of wildlife. While polar bear sightings are rare and never guaranteed, our patience was rewarded on the final day. As we motored slowly toward an anchorage near Longyearbyen, the bell rang. This time, a mother polar bear and her two cubs were spotted walking along the shoreline. For 45 minutes, we watched in awe as they wandered along the glacier’s edge—a memory that will stay with each of us forever.

Polar bears were just one highlight of our sailing adventure in Svalbard, and we were lucky enough to spot a plethora of Arctic creatures. Take a look at our Arctic Wildlife Guide for an idea of the range of wildlife you can expect to spot!

The Communal Spirit and Adventure Onboard

As the days passed, our group became a close-knit community. We shared meals, stories, and laughter, punctuated by moments of quiet reflection on the deck, soaking in the majestic surroundings. Several of us even braved the polar plunge into the freezing Arctic waters.

Each day offered something new, from exploring abandoned hunting cabins and marble mines to taking walks along untouched beaches. We encountered seals, reindeer, and historic artefacts, all while surrounded by Svalbard’s stark, serene beauty. Back onboard, there was ample time for relaxation. We’d share stories from our travels, huddle together in the saloon to discuss the day’s wildlife sightings, or find a quiet corner to read. The constant daylight of the Arctic summer made it easy to lose track of time—some of our most memorable moments happened late into the evening, hoisting the sails under the midnight sun or quietly scanning the horizon for wildlife.

Reflecting on the Fragility of the Arctic

The Arctic has a way of reminding you of the fragility of our planet. Our guide pointed out that while glacier calving is a natural process, the rapid thawing we witnessed has escalated in recent decades. It was a sobering thought, but also a reminder of why we travel this way—with a focus on sustainability and minimal impact.

Svalbard’s pristine wilderness is a place of unparalleled beauty, and sailing through its fjords on a small, eco-friendly vessel like Noorderlicht felt like a responsible way to experience it. Unlike the massive cruise ships that disturb the environment, we moved quietly, leaving little trace behind.

A Farewell to the Arctic

As our week on Noorderlicht came to an end, we reflected on the experiences we’d shared. The sight of a mother polar bear and her cubs, the serenity of midnight sails, and the quiet camaraderie built over shared meals and silent nods—all of it left a deep imprint on us. Some of us exchanged contact details, knowing these connections would last far beyond the Arctic Circle. 

Ready to embark on your own sailing adventure in Svalbard? Join us for a journey where breathtaking landscapes, unique wildlife encounters, and the camaraderie of fellow adventurers await you.