Month: October 2021

Top Five Highlights of Sailing in Tenerife

Twister sailing in the Canary Islands

Sailing holidays in Tenerife are truly magical. Boasting outstanding wildlife, warm sunshine and constant trade winds, it’s little wonder that the Canary Islands entice sailors each year. Below we list our top five highlights of sailing here;

Whale and Wildlife Watching

The waters between Tenerife and La Gomera are home to resident Pilot whales and the area has been officially designated a Whale Heritage Site – the first in Europe. Sailing here allows us to peacefully navigate alongside these beautiful mammals, doing our utmost to ensure we do not disturb their natural habitat or behaviour. As we sail through these azure blue waters, keep eyes out for playful Bottlenose dolphins who love to dance in the waves around the bowsprit. Lucky sailors may even be treated to sightings of Sperm whales, Brydes whales, the acrobatic Spinner dolphins as well as turtles and manta rays!

Visit La Gomera

This second smallest Canary Island is utterly beautiful and untouched by mass tourism. No high rise hotels and apartments here, just lush green mountainsides, tropical rainforests, quaint harbours lined with tempting tavernas and surrounded by crystal clear waters. Snorkel in phosphorescence filled waters, dive down to coral reefs, hike through rainforests and dine on some of the freshest seafood you will ever eat, the magic of La Gomera never fails to disappoint. An added bonus to arrive via a classic schooner and anchor off the sheltered coves with their impressive rock formations.

A Sky Full of Stars

The Canary Islands are perfectly placed under some of the clearest skies in Europe and are recognised internationally for their exceptional stargazing conditions – there is even an IAC observatory set up on Tenerife to study the stars. Added to this, sailing provides the opportunity to further escape the already low light pollution and lying on her deck under the clear night sky is an utterly wonderous experience. Gazing up makes our world feel so small as the night sky twinkles and dances above.

Fabulous Sea Food

For us, amazing food is very much part of our holiday experience and sailing in the Canaries is no exception. The Spanish heritage of these islands shines through in much of the cuisine whilst waterside restaurants bustle with diners, drawn by the delicious scents of garlic and seafood. And after a day full of fresh sea air, there is no better sight than a table full of steaming hot tasty dishes.

Warm Weather

Lying just off the coast of North Africa, the Canary Islands experience year-round warmth, with temperatures rarely dropping below 18 degrees. For many of us British, there is no better feeling than arriving to warm sunshine, having escaped the dark UK winter. Out at sea, even the ever-present trade winds blow comfortably, a welcome accompaniment to the heat of the sun. This constantly pleasant sub-tropical climate is lovely to be out at sea in and one of the many reasons sailing in the Canary Islands remains so popular.