Tag: wildlife

Scotland and the Hebrides Wildlife Guide

For centuries, Scotland and the Hebrides have been known for their rugged coastline and breathtaking scenery, attracting travellers from all over the world. Now, more than ever before, it is also gaining recognition for the diverse range of wildlife species that call the Hebrides home.

With a wealth of ecosystems and wildlife habitats, there are species found nowhere else in the world, making this an extraordinary location for nature lovers. From majestic sea eagles soaring the skies to sea otters fishing for their dinner, the flora and fauna of the Hebrides is so unique that there’s no better way to experience it all than with a Scottish sailing holiday. 

This guide will take you through an introduction to the wonderful wildlife of Scotland and the Hebrides. Jump to:
On Land – Scotland & the Hebrides Wild Animal Guide
In the Water – Scotland & the Hebrides Marine Wildlife Guide
In the Sky – Scotland & the Hebrides Birdwatching Guide

On Land – Scotland Wild Animal Guide

Scotland is home to an astounding array of wildlife on land, perhaps unsurprising considering the diverse range of ecosystems and habitats present in this corner of the world. One of the many benefits of a sailing holiday in the Hebrides is the opportunity to spend time experiencing so many different areas and islands in one holiday, maximising your chances of spotting Scottish wildlife on land.

The Scottish Wildcat

Britain’s last remaining large predator and only wild feline. The wildcat has evolved and adapted to the Scottish landscape and pre-dates even early human existence! Unfortunately, the Scottish Wildcat is currently considered endangered, although there are a number of projects working to save the species.

Where to see the Scottish Wildcat: Found throughout the mainland of Scotland. Most typically seen between dusk and dawn in clearings in woodland or grassland. Look out for them on a voyage along the Caledonian Canal with tall ship the Flying Dutchman or ketch Steady.

The Red Deer

The Red Deer is Scotland’s largest and most magnificent deer species. Red Deer are perhaps most known for their large antlers, visible during the autumn mating season. At this time of year, males attempt to claim their territories and ‘rut’ one another, making a magnificent sight on your wildlife holiday in Scotland. 

Where to see Red Deer in Scotland: A common sight across the mainland and the Hebrides. Keep an eye out for these majestic creatures across the Outer Hebrides, and the Small Isles. Red Deer are frequently seen on our Small Isles sailing voyages, particularly on the Isle of Rum.

The Mountain Hare

Native to Scotland, but also found across Scandinavia, the Mountain Hare is one of the sweetest Scottish wildlife sightings. They can often be found sitting perfectly still whilst eating, or bounding across the moors, although their seasonal camouflage can make them a rather tricky spot! With a grey-brown coat in the summer that changes to an arctic white in the winter, they are most recognisable by the tips of their ears which remain dark brown year round.

Where to see Mountain Hares in the Hebrides: Mountain hares are a frequent sight in less populated areas of the Hebrides. They are common across the Outer Hebrides as well as Eigg in the Small Isles.

In the Water – Scotland Marine Wildlife Guide

From the mighty humpback whale to the humble grey seal, the marine life in the Hebrides is truly a wonder to behold. The best way to maximise your chances of seeing the most Scottish marine wildlife is undoubtedly on a sailing holiday, where you’ll have the chance to sail amongst these animals in their natural habitats.

Dolphins and Porpoises

A common sight on sailing adventures around the world, dolphins are no less special when spotted in Scotland. Marvel as they glide along the bow, swimming in the wake of the boat and playfully dancing in the water. Bottlenose dolphins, common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins, and porpoises all call the waters of West Scotland and the Hebrides their home. 

Where to see dolphins and Porpoises in the Hebrides: The waters between Oban, South Uist, North Uist, Eigg, and Skye are home to a wide array of dolphins, with bottlenose and common dolphins and porpoises a regular spot. To catch a glimpse of the more elusive Risso’s dolphin, head for the waters between Ullapool to Stornoway. All our Scottish voyages have a high likelihood of coming in to contact with dolphins. Head to the Inner Hebrides with Stravaigin for the best chances of seeing common and bottlenose dolphins. Or sail with Steady from Oban to Ullapool to spot the rare Risso’s Dolphin.


Whether it’s the star ‘West Coast Community’ pod of Orcas that call Scotland home, or the more commonly sighted Minke, whales have resided in Scotland for centuries. In fact, there were previously whaling stations across the Hebrides, although thankfully now the focus is on whale conservation. Our charity partners at the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust have a wide range of useful information available, including a live whale tracker! 

Humpback Whales

Recent research has shown that humpback whales have made a comeback in Scotland, with more than 100 sightings now recorded. Humpback whales have a somewhat distinctive appearance with a predominantly black body and white patches on the underside. 

Where to see humpback whales in Scotland: Although a rare sight, Humpback whales pass through Scottish waters throughout the year. The best chance of spotting them is off the coast of the Hebrides during their migration seasons in autumn and spring as they travel between Africa and Norway.

Minke Whales

Best spotted in the sailing season between April and October, Minke whales are the smallest whale found in the UK. They are common sights on our Scottish wildlife adventures, and incredibly inquisitive creatures, regularly coming to investigate our boats! We operate a wildlife code of conduct at sea, turning our engines off and letting animals approach as they wish. 

Minke whales in the Hebrides

Where to see Minke Whales in the Hebrides: Minke whales are best seen in open waters surrounding the Hebrides. Minke whales are often seen on voyages to the outer Hebrides with tall ship Blue Clipper or historic ketch Bessie Ellen.


Scotland’s West coast is home to the UK’s only resident pod of orcas, the aptly named ‘West Coast Community’. This small pod consists of just 8 killer whales, a quarter of the size of a usual pod, and far more difficult to spot! Nonetheless, these resident whales are undoubtedly the pinnacle of Scottish wildlife spots. 

Where to see Orcas in Scotland: You’ll be incredibly lucky to catch a glimpse of these rare creatures, but there is a chance to spot them in the Hebrides! The West Coast Community are most likely to be seen around the Small Isles and Skye, so could be potential spots on our Hebridean sailing holidays with pilot cutter Pellew and tall ship the Flying Dutchman.

In the Sky – Guide to Bird Watching in the Hebrides

People watching puffins in the Hebrides

The inner and outer Hebrides are home to an incredible variety of bird life, from charming puffin colonies to majestic golden eagles to nesting seabirds. No Scottish wildlife-watching holiday would be complete without a sighting of some incredible birdlife, and sailing holidays undoubtedly offer the best opportunity to see some of these creatures in their natural habitats. 


Arguably one of the most iconic species of bird in Scotland, Puffins are undoubtedly one of our favourite Hebridean wildlife spots. Puffins have a distinct charm and appeal, and it is fascinating to watch them communicate with their brightly coloured bills. A visit to a friendly puffin colony is a must when hopping ashore, they are incredibly inquisitive and always come to say hello! 

Where to see puffins in Scotland: Although they can be spotted across the inner and outer Hebrides, with large colonies on St Kilda, the most special place to visit them is the isle of Lunga in the Treshnish isles and the island of Staffa, where they can be found nesting during the breeding season between March and May. Head to the isle of Staffa with expedition yacht Zuza, or tall ship Bessie Ellen.

Golden Eagle

The golden eagle is truly a spectacular sight on a wildlife trip to the Hebrides. The eagle survives, and even thrives as a predator in the harsher environments in Scotland, being able to reach speeds of up to 200mph when diving for prey. Scotland is a stronghold for the Golden Eagle, with the highest population in Europe. 

Golden Eagle in flight

Where to see Golden Eagles in Scotland: The Outer Hebrides is home to the largest population of Golden Eagles in Scotland. The remote, untamed nature of these islands means that they reside surprisingly close to human settlements. Pay close attention on the Isle of Harris, where an eagle observatory is located.


Scotland is of high international importance for seabird colonies, and more than 5 million seabirds breed there each year. An incredible array of birds call the Hebrides home, from the closely related Shags and Cormorants to the Guillemots and Razorbills that nest on cliffs. Other common bird watching sights in the Hebrides include Osprey, Skua, Manx, Shearwater and Petrel birds. Most seabirds are common across the mainland of Scotland as well as the islands of the Inner and Outer Hebrides, and a sailing holiday means you’re never far away from some incredible spots.  

Where to see seabirds in Scotland: One of the best places to spot seabirds is on a voyage to St Kilda, an epic dual world heritage site that is uninhabited aside from the hundreds of seabirds that call the towering cliffs home. The outer Hebrides and Shiants are also home to an incredible array of seabirds, often spotted on voyages with yacht Zuza, tall ship Bessie Ellen, and ketch Steady.

A sailing holiday in Scotland and The Hebrides is an unforgettable experience that provides visitors with a unique opportunity to witness some of Europe’s most spectacular wildlife up close while exploring diverse landscapes and ecosystems. None of our voyages require sailing experience, and our range of fleet offers something for every traveller. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your Scottish wildlife adventure today! 

View all voyages in Scotland and the Hebrides here >>

My week on ZUZA

Puffin in Scotland

It is with a flutter of nervous excitement that I walk from Oban train station to Zuza, a double-hulled purpose built adventure vessel that is to be my home for the next week. Having never sailed before I am not too sure what to expect but skipper Helen and her all female crew greet me with a warm welcome, helping me on board and showing me to my very comfortable cabin before introducing me to my fellow passengers.

Making the most of the warm light, we set sail mid afternoon, down past Easdale Island and through the spectacular Cuan Sound, which reminds me of a narrow street except the tall buildings are dramatically high cliffs and whirlpools swirl where a road would run. I am surprised to see seals lazily bobbing about in this ever-moving water but Helen explains that they are a frequent sight here.

After a spot of beachcombing on Seil Island, we climb back on board and I am surprised to find how hungry I am, my tummy grumbling as delicious smells entice me back below deck. As we all tuck into the freshly prepared meal I find that the food far surpasses my expectations and I make a mental note to let go of any preconceived notions I clearly have.  The crew then take care of all the washing up, leaving us to sit back and relax, whiling away the evening with wine and good chat, getting to know each other a little more. Some were single travellers like me, and many were just pairs of friends seeking a unique adventure together. We bedded down for the night at a decent time, satisfied and excited for the week ahead.

Jura from colonsay

The next morning we set sail for Gigha, stopping en route to visit some of the islands dotted along the way. On our return journey to the yacht we were incredibly fortunate to spot Minke whales, bottlenose dolphins and seals, Helen was also pleasantly taken aback at this sight and hopeful that we would be able to get a closer view once we were back at sea. I felt like a kid at Christmas at this prospect, my love of marine wildlife has been with me since I was little and I couldn’t believe I might be so lucky as to see a Minke in close quarters, and in the UK! Once back on board we set off towards Gigha where we were indeed treated to a closer viewing of these incredible mammals. A hushed silence fell as we marvelled at these huge giants effortlessly gliding through the water. This was a wonderful experience and is a moment that will stay with me forever.

Continuing on I decided to try my hand on the helm and see how it felt to ‘control’ this fast yacht. I had initially been nervous but under Helen’s capable tuition, I soon discovered it was in fact completely exhilarating and actually made me fall a little for Zuza. On she raced to Gigha where we were greeted with sweeping sandy bays, crystal clear waters and a lush botanical garden. We idled away the rest of the day beachcombing and meandering, soaking up the warm sun – we had been forewarned that the weather tomorrow may not be so summery – such is sailing in the Hebrides! Waking the next morning to thick fog we took our time over breakfast, enjoying the stillness that always arrives with such weather before setting off to Jura where the weather lifted, rewarding our efforts with a breath taking sunset which I enjoyed with a gin and tonic in hand.

Hebrides dolphins from Bessie Ellen

From Jura we made for Oransay, through the incredibly narrow sound of Isla where we spotted stags silhouetted on the high mountains, to Nave Island. The plan had been to go ashore and stretch legs but on anchoring we noticed that the beach was completely covered in seals and Helen was itching to snorkel with them. We set off in the dinghy and watched her slip into the water and swim about with these sea dogs before making for land and exploring this now derelict island.

By now I had almost lost sense of what day it was, thoroughly enjoying the simplicity of boat life – waking, eating and then journeying where the weather allowed. Our next day was spent exploring Colonsay, which has a magic of it’s own. I learn that there are no cars on the island, bikes are the preferred form of transport, and that the local bookshop can be opened by anyone who visits the post office to request the key. They are then free to browse at leisure and pay honestly for anything they wish to keep. The remoteness and lack of humanisation in this part of the world makes it very easy to feel like you have stepped back in time, completely detached from the modern world when in fact, we were only ever a few hours way.

Departing Colonsay with a sigh, Zuza effortlessly sails through the Strait of Coryveckan, notorious we are told for its strong tidal currents, standing waves and the third largest whirlpool in the world. With my mind focused on the potentially precarious waters ahead, I am astounded to hear the crew cry Minke whales once again. Fizzing with excitement I remind myself I must move carefully around to the other side of the deck to watch these whales. When another crew member spies a basking shark, almost in disbelief, there is a hush that falls amongst us all as we sit quietly, admiring the sights on display. Even Helen is amazed at our luck but explains that this is one of the many reasons Scotland continues to lure her back year after year. As the whales move away we continue on for Croabh Haven marina, our mooring for the night and home to Princess Anne’s boat – well, if it’s good enough for royalty…

For our final evening Helen has organised a real treat for us all on Kerrera Island in a simple, no frills shed where we are treated to huge, freshly caught and prepared seafood platters which we eagerly tuck into whilst watching the sky fade to black over Oban.

As a busy individual, I had forgotten what it was like to be truly calm – but not in a ‘crashed out next to the pool’ kind of way. This was a different calm; a more mindful, tranquil calm. Our days were comprised of optional tasks like setting the sails and helming, mixed in with exploring little islands, and swimming off white sandy beaches. Each day held such rewards, and life outside of Zuza now seemed irrelevant. Feeling her race along the white-topped waves, doing what she was designed to is as peaceful as it is exhilarating. As we docked back in Oban I was filled with sadness. We all said our heartfelt goodbyes and emails were exchanged before going our separate ways. As the train wound its way through those spectacular views once more, I couldn’t help but wish I’d stayed longer. So, I turned my 3G on for the first time in a week and booked my next voyage, there and then. See you next year Helen and Zuza!

Sailing around the Isle of Skye

Hiker on the Isle of Skye

Situated on the West coast of Scotland, the Isle of Skye is a popular island destination for the nature-loving traveller. From rolling hill hikes, mountain climbs, sea-shore wanders and wonderful wildlife spotting, it’s easy to see why visitors return year on year.

Visit Skye

Featured in many poems and folk songs, Skye is the largest island in the Hebrides and arguably one of the most beautiful. The Cullin Ridge makes the backbone of the island; 12 km of dramatic peaks and troughs that only the most experienced outdoor enthusiasts should attempt to traverse. There is however, plenty more exploring to be done, from Viking ruins to sections of dramatic coastal walking.

A sailing holiday in Scotland is a great way to explore Skye’s diverse coastline. Its peninsula-based shape is large enough to have different levels of precipitation from one end to the other, making sure that there will be a sheltered anchorage somewhere nearby. There is always something to see from the water too, so grab a pair of binoculars when you take a break from rope-work.

Wildlife watching on Skye

Wildlife in Skye is rife, and many native maritime invertebrate species are critical to other local fauna, which include salmon and sea otters, among other bird-life. Red deer stroll the hills while Sea Eagles soar the coast catching Salmon in race with the seals. Dolphins are often seen in wonder swimming in the wake of the bow and the North part of the coast has been known to be part of a whale migratory route so keep your binoculars to hand.

Skye is home around 10% of the 100,000 or so island inhabitants in Scotland, making it one of the more populous islands. Crofters still work the land here, an ancient way of living which is no longer as profitable as working for tertiary industry, hence the rapid decline in croft numbers– yet a bold few still persevere. However, ancient fishing trade continues to thrive and is based in Portree, Skye’s main port. Your skipper might decide to pick up something delicious for dinner, fresh off the boats that come in each day. Despite the larger population of the island, exploring the coast by boat takes you far away from the busy ports and main towns. Discover tranquil bays only accessible by boat and walk through sleepy villages with artists studios and local farm shops.

VentureSail offer a range of skippered sailing holidays to Scotland and Skye throughout the summer season.

Skye Old Man of Storr

Sailing to St. Kilda

Hirta and dun at St. Kilda sailing

St Kilda

Shrouded in mystery and legend, the real tale of St Kilda is, in reality, more melancholic. The small population of this group of islands was evacuated in 1930 due to multiple reasons such as crop failure, famine, disease, war and simply being at the mercy of the weather for months on end. A ghost town remains. However, every cloud is lined with silver, and today St Kilda is a huge nature reserve, home to a diverse fauna and flora including some endemic species such as the St Kilda Field mouse and the St Kilda Wren.

The islands lie about 40 miles from North Uist and are thence the most westerly archipelago in the Hebrides. VentureSail runs many trips to this nature reserve over the summer. We think the perfect way to take in the hopelessly beautiful scenery and spot the best wildlife, both terrestrial and maritime, is by boat. Take a look at our sailing schedule to see when you can climb aboard.

welcome to st kilda

The island at the edge of the world

Wanderlust journalist, Phoebe Smith, earns her way with Bessie Ellen to the remote island of St Kilda. Read her full article about her adventure as she experiences first hand the elements that may, or may not, allow her passage to this magical place.

The Lure of Scotland

The Isle of Skye

Helen Walker and her love of the Scottish Isles.

At VentureSail Holidays we pride ourselves on offering experiential holidays on board classic ships and adventure vessels in remote and often lesser-travelled locations. Each vessel is skippered by a passionate individual, all of whom hold a strong affinity for the locations in which they sail, often hand picking ‘secret’ spots along the way to share with guests. And ex-marine research vessel Zuza is no exception, her  crew has Helen Walker at the helm and here she explains why she returns to the Scottish western isles year after year.

“Having sailed all over the world, I can say with conviction that the west coast of Scotland is where my heart lies. Each departure from Oban offers so many diverse opportunities to explore this stunning part of the UK. In total, there are 790 islands in Scotland and each one varies in culture, language, music and whisky. These islands are home to some of the finest distilleries in the world, producing malt and peak whiskies, many dating back hundreds of years, and we offer some specialist whisky tours – which always make for a popular voyage!

However, it is often the spectacular wildlife which leaves me spellbound. In a single day we can experience otters, basking sharks, various dolphin species and world class bird life. The Shiant Islands and St. Kilda boast colonies of tens of thousands of gannets, puffins, fulmars, guillemots and more. Just a short cruise from Oban, continues Helen, lie the Treshnish islands where guests are often able to sit and observe puffins in very close quarters, watching their comical movements as they go about their day to day life. A voyage to Rum proffers Manx shearwaters whilst keen eyes will invariably spot the magnificent golden and white tailed eagles. Our crew are some what of enthusiasts and will generally be found perched on the deck, binoculars in hand!

Minke whales in the Hebrides

It’s not just the fantastic wildlife that continues to lure Zuza and her crew back, the breath taking scenery never ceases to amaze. Mountainous green peaks cascade into the ocean, lush green islands are dotted in the ocean, each fringed by white sandy beaches; dramatic rock formations, that appear to have been sculpted by hand, rise up from seemingly nowhere whilst huge sea lochs enable guests to step ashore and follow trails along some of the most wild and extraordinary scenery in Europe. And as the days draw to a close with picturesque sunsets, eyes are drawn heavenwards to the dark skies, scattered with starts and occasionally the dancing iridescence of the Northern Lights.

granite stacks in the Hebrides

If the smaller more accessible islands have captured Helen’s heart, then is it the far flung volcanic St. Kilda archipelago that has latched onto her soul. Shrouded in mystery and legend, the isles lie approximately 40 miles from North Uist, and are the most westerly archipelago in the Hebrides. Serving as a World Heritage Site, they have lain uninhabited since 1930 and the remains of human civilisation, which dates back more than 2,000, can still be seen today. The impossibly breath taking scenery boasts some of the highest cliffs in Europe, perched somewhat precariously on which are large colonies of rare and endangered bird species – nearly one million seabirds are thought to be present at the height of the breeding season. Their isolation, naturally gives the islands a vulnerable feel, with the Atlantic swell crashing on the shores and historic remains nodding to what once was. These storm swept islands are a powerful reminder of just how small we, as humans are, and visiting here them is a particularly humbling experience for me.

human inhabitation remains on St Kilda

Due to their remoteness, the St. Kilda isles can be tricky to visit yet Zuza has been custom built using the latest modern materials that modern technology can offer and this means she is able to take guests to precisely these remote destinations, day after day. And this is one of the many reasons I so enjoy being her skipper, concludes Helen. The comfort she offers whether under sail or motor combines comfortable living with fast sailing and that is so satisfying [as a skipper]. As a qualified sailing teacher, I am always on hand to offer some big yacht sailing experience and Zuza is perfect for those wishing to learn. She really embraces my passion for sailing alongside the knowledge that my guests are safe and comfortable. I am able to share some of my favourite spots on each voyage, delighting in the wonder and awe on their faces. The weather always has the final say but my aim is to be flexible and plan the day together with my guests each morning. For me, there really is no place like western Scotland, the magic, mystery, scenery and wildlife are never lost on me and as each season draws to a close I feel the longing for the next one to begin.

Life as the Skipper of Zuza

Helen Walker is the skipper of Zuza, heading up an all-female crew as they sail the South African yacht around Scotland. Here’s what she has to say about life on board this fabulous vessel…

Why I like skippering Zuza

Zuza is a modern boat, custom built using the latest materials modern technology can offer – this makes her unique; truly one of a kind! One of the many reasons I so enjoy being her skipper is the comfort she offers whether under sail or motor. She combines comfortable living and fast sailing so that she can take you to remote destinations day after day, and as a skipper this is really satisfying. It embraces my passion for sailing alongside the knowledge that my guests are safe and comfortable. Zuza is also able to reach particularly remote destinations that other vessels her size can’t, thanks to her bilge keel design, and the 2 powerful engines enabling superb manoeuvrability. Wind and power: the perfect combination!

A bit about me

My love of all things sailing started in my teenage years, when I discovered sailing dinghies in the Lake District… I was hooked! A yacht sailing holiday in the Balearic islands led to me taking my day skipper ticket and volunteering with the Ocean Youth Trust. This enabled me to log sea miles and learn on the job from a multitude of highly skilled and diverse skippers on lots of different sailing boats. My first professional role at sea was as a flotilla skipper on the beautiful Dalmatian coast in Croatia. The next 20 years saw me in a variety of skipper roles from Brixham trawlers in Devon to the round-the-world challenge boats. I qualified as a yacht master instructor in 2003, enjoying the challenges in this role hugely and working my way up to cruising instructor trainer.

One of Zuza’s many perks is that she caters for all experience levels of sailing – whether you’re a complete novice looking to learn or a seasoned sailor wanting a new experience. However, if you simply want a holiday on a lovely comfortable yacht with stunning scenery, food and company, my crew work hard to anticipate your every need and make you want to visit Scotland Zuza-style year after year.

What makes Zuza comfortable

Another really unique aspect of Zuza is the completely enclosed cockpit with its 360 degree windows, so no matter what the weather, you’re right in the hot seat warm and dry. This is where the helm is, so you are welcome to steer Zuza and learn about all the navigation or simply sit back with tea and cake and watch the world go by.

Unlike most modern yachts, Zuza has sturdy hand rails around the entire deck providing easy walking, and lots of places to sit comfortably while wildlife spotting. If you fancy a swim, there’s a diving platform which is also used for boarding outer tender for daily shore excursions. Three steps downstairs brings you to our large saloon where breakfast and dinner are served – lunch depends on the day! The saloon also has wrap around windows and large hatches, and a servery where you can help yourself to fruit and biscuits and drinks. On the saloon level, Zuza has two ensuite cabins, where you can lay in your double bed with the hatch open watching the stars at night or dolphins during the day. Down another three steps is a corridor past the engine room and washing machine (which are enclosed completely) to two twin cabins (which can easily be adapted to become singles) and another toilet with a shower.


What to expect when booking a holiday on board Zuza

I endeavour to plan a comfortable voyage visiting new places everyday, of course the weather has the final say but my aim is to deliver the itinerary you have booked as weather permits. I like to be flexible, and we’ll have weather forecasts each morning, so over breakfast we can plan the day together. You may have a desire to go somewhere nearby and I will do my best to make this happen, likewise feel free to make contact with VentureSail prior to the voyage to discuss.

A typical day onboard Zuza
Breakfast is usually served at 8am, with cereals, toast, porridge, fresh fruit, and yoghurt followed by a cooked option. This is also where the plan for the day is discussed, along with the latest weather forecast.
We’ll have lunch whilst sailing, and it varies but you can guarantee there’s always lots of it! Soup and homemade bread, cold meats, salad, quiche, baked potatoes are just some of the options. Some days may be a packed lunch as we are ashore walking or just sitting on a golden sandy beach, followed by an afternoon tea of cake or scones with tea and coffee if underway.

Dinner is served between 1900 and 2000 and usually at anchor, having returned from a shore excursion to a hearty meal of local produce perfectly cooked by our onboard chef. A dessert or deluxe cheeseboard with drinks and coffee while we talk about our day winds up another VentureSail experience.

Zuza-saloon area-guests

Why I love the west coast of Scotland
After sailing in so many seas around the world I can honestly say the west coast of Scotland is where my heart is! Sailing from Oban offers so many diverse options to explore this stunning corner of the planet. There are 790 islands in Scotland which vary in culture, language, music and, of course, whisky! The wildlife here is spectacular and a photographers dream. A single day can bring otters, many species of dolphins, basking sharks and as for birds… there’s no place like the Shiant islands or St. Kilda for colonies of tens of thousands gannets, puffins, fulmars, guillemots and more. Just a short cruise from Oban takes you to the Treshnish islands, which is the place to get up close to puffins, or to Rum where the Manx shearwaters breed. One of the greatest, almost guaranteed sightings is that of golden and white tailed eagles – first mate Sarah is a bit of a fanatic and will be on deck spotting most of the time!
Outer Hebrides